- From the Dataplace homepage, select Sign in.
- The Welcome to Dataplace Registration - Authentication window will open, click to select your organisation’s authentication method. For additional information refer to Authentication services.
- The Dataplace, Terms of Use – Individual (Terms) window will open. To view the full Terms, click on the arrow next to the Terms. Once you have read and understood the Terms, confirm by selecting the Acknowledge button. Note: These Terms will only present on first time access, when browser history is cleared or when the user signs in from a different device.
- The Dataplace Registration - Organisation Administrator Nomination window will open. This is a one-time only function which appears if you are the first person from your organisation to access Dataplace and/or the role of organisation administrator is still unassigned. You can either claim the role (if you have the appropriate authorisation) or nominate another user to accept the role.
- To claim the Organisation administrator role: Select the ‘I am the Organisation administrator’ tick-box. Go to step 5, after you:
- in the Enquiry mailboxes section, enter a group mailbox so that your organisation can receive Dataplace data requests and system notifications
- in the Custodian status section, select ‘confirmed’. This will identify that your organisation is ready to receive data requests (relevant to Australian Government organisations only) Your organisation will not receive data requests until the status is ‘confirmed’.
You can add a group mailbox and confirm your organisations readiness status at any time from Manage organisation.
- To nominate another individual from your organisation: Enter the email address of the Organisation administrator nominee, then select OK. The nominee will receive an email prompting them to access Dataplace and claim the Organisation administrator role. Exit Dataplace no further action is required from you.
- In the Manage organisation window. The Terms of Use - Organisation (Terms) will appear for review and acceptance. Please note that that your organisations activities on Dataplace will be limited until the Terms have been accepted.
To accept the Terms, you can:
- Accept the Terms on behalf of your organisation (if authorised to do so) by selecting the ‘I have the authority to accept.’ tick-box, then Accept to continue.
- Accept the Terms on behalf of another from your organisation (if authorised by them to do so) by selecting the ‘I am authorised to accept the Terms on behalf of the nominated authority, for my organisation’ tick-box, entering their First/Last name, position and email address, then selecting Accept to continue. The individual will receive email notification that the Terms have been accepted in Dataplace on their behalf by the named user.
- Nominate another individual to accept the Terms by selecting the ‘I nominate another with the appropriate authority to accept the Terms’ tick-box, entering their First/Last name, position and email address then selecting Nominate. The individual will receive an email prompting them to review the Terms, log into Dataplace and accept the Terms on behalf of the organisation.
- Once your organisation has completed on-boarding, all users will be welcomed onto the Dataplace homepage and able to access Dataplace services.
If you can sign-in to Dataplace but receive errors when trying to perform activities on the platform, your organisations network may be blocking access to Dataplace services. For further information go to Technical Support
Note: The Terms of Use are available from the link in the Dataplace footer.