There are four key Dataplace user types which facilitate the implementation, operation, and usage of Dataplace. They are the Organisation administrator, Data coordinator, Approving officer and Authorised officer.
The Organisation administrator manually assigns the key user types to individuals in their organisation. The key users manage and have visibility of their organisation’s activities on Dataplace, which facilitates the data sharing process, and the accreditation application processes under the Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022 (DAT Act), data sharing scheme (DATA Scheme).
The user types have different permissions and roles – the Organisation administrator and the Data coordinator have elevated permissions, while the Approving officer and Authorised officer have specific roles allowing them to perform limited actions in relation to data sharing agreements and accreditation.
Everybody in your organisation will be a general user. This provides a limited set of permissions as a default and enables them to:
When deciding which individuals to assign to each user type (Organisation administrator, Data coordinator, Approving officer or Authorised officer), consider the data roles your organisation currently has. For example, data stewards, the chief data officer, data policy and governance teams, and the type of data expertise and level of responsibility they have, and then consider which Dataplace key user type to assign them.
Organisation administrator
The Organisation administrator has important permissions. It is designed to enable an organisation to manage their own users on Dataplace and give them visibility of all their data sharing activities.
The Organisation administrator must be claimed for your organisation to onboard to Dataplace and at least one individual must always be assigned as an Organisation administrator for your organisation to operate effectively on Dataplace.
In addition to the general user permissions, an Organisation administrator can:
The Dataplace Terms of Use for organisations, require the organisation to ensure the safe and appropriate use of Dataplace by its users. Given their permissions, the Organisation administrator is well suited to regulate and monitor the organisation’s data sharing activities and make sure the organisation’s users are doing the right thing.
Data coordinator
A Data coordinator facilitates the flow and management of data requests for the organisation.
This permission is most useful to organisations that receive data requests through Dataplace (i.e. they are data custodians). This role allocates or triages data requests to the most appropriate person, who then assesses data requests to determine if the organisation intends to share its data.
If your organisation is a data requestor (i.e. you are not a data custodian on Dataplace, for example universities) a Data coordinator may be useful if your organisation needs key individuals to view and edit all data sharing activities across the organisation or are in a coordination role.
In addition to the general user permissions, a Data coordinator can:
There can be more than one individual assigned as a Data coordinator within the organisation.
Approving officer
The Approving officer is a key decision maker on Dataplace. In addition to the general user permissions, an Approving officer can:
An organisation may have one or more Approving officers.
Authorised officer
The Authorised officer is also a key decision maker on Dataplace with responsibilities for their organisation’s DATA Scheme activities.
In addition to the general user permissions, an Authorised officer can:
An organisation may have one or more Authorised officers.
Dataplace facilitates data sharing under the DATA Scheme. The Authorised officer is both a Dataplace role and a role specific to the DATA Scheme. Under the DAT Act certain actions must be taken by an Authorised officer, for example:
The role in Dataplace is intended to facilitate and support the DATA Scheme role. For additional information about who is considered your entity’s Authorised officer under the DATA Scheme, and the types of actions they can take, refer to the Authorised Officers and Authorised Individuals | Office of the National Data Commissioner guidance.
For sharing under the DATA Scheme, only an Authorised officer may sign (enter into) an agreement. The current data sharing process in Dataplace requires a signed agreement be uploaded manually. This means the individual who completes the Approval stage of the process does not need to be the same person who signed the agreement. Currently, the Approving officer for the specific data project in Dataplace must complete the Approval stage, but they do not also need to be an Authorised officer. For additional information refer to the data request and agreement process.