Dataplace roles facilitate the implementation, operation, and usage of the Dataplace service.
The key Dataplace roles are:
For more information about the roles, refer to the Dataplace roles and permissions.
Organisations will need to consider how to integrate the Dataplace user types and permissions with their existing data roles, business practices and/or positions within their organisation. These user types and permissions apply to all entity types using Dataplace, primarily Australian Government bodies that hold data (data custodians) and organisations looking to request Australian Government data (data users). Individuals within agencies can hold multiple user types and permissions depending on their organisation structure.
The Manage organisation page is visible to all users in your organisation. The functions visible on the screen depend on the user type and permissions assigned to the user. Only the Organisation administrator can edit the various sections on the Manage organisation page.
To access the organisation profile, you will need to sign in, then:
Your organisation's name, entity type, ABN and Legal name are prepopulated from the Australian Business Registry. These fields are not editable. If details are incorrect, contact us.
Description field: For Australian Government agencies, this field is auto populated from the Australian Government Budget Portfolio Statements and is editable. When users are searching for data or custodians (at the start of making a request for data) they will be able to view this description if your agency is a suggested data custodian for data they are requesting.
Enquiry mailboxes: Your organisation can enter two group mailboxes. You should include at least one to receive system notifications and data requests. These will be visible to other data participants.
Head office address and Postal address: These fields can be manually populated and editable if incorrect or require updating.
Data holding tags: If you are an Australian Government agency (i.e. you are a data custodian on the platform) you should enter keywords that reflect your data holdings. These keywords help to refine a search for data or custodians at the start of making a request.
Custodian status:
This field only applies for Australian Government bodies that hold data (data custodians).
Save: If updating any information in the Details screen, select the Save button to keep the changes.
The Accreditation status screen is auto populated when your organisation has been accredited under Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022. It will also show any conditions applied to the accreditation.
Organisation administrators can upload a PDF copy of your organisation's Authorised Officer Delegation Instrument under (s137) of the Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022 .
All users from your organisation will be able to view the Delegation Instrument to inform the data request process.
This screen also includes a link to the Authorised Officers and Authorised Individuals | Office of the National Data Commissioner and a sample Authorisation for Authorised Officers template (available from the ONDC website) for your reference.
The Roles screen provides visibility of who within your organisation has been assigned the key Dataplace user types and their associated permissions. The four key user types are Organisation administrator, Data coordinator, Approving officer and Authorised officer. The first Organisation administrator is assigned during the onboarding process. For contingency, it is best practice to have at least two users assigned as Organisation administrators at any time for your agency to operate effectively on Dataplace.
The Organisation administrator can add and remove users from all roles.
The Data coordinator can only add and remove users from the Data coordinator role.
Organisation administrators and Data coordinators are assigned from the Permissions tab.
Approving officers and Authorised officers are assigned from the Roles tab.
Dataplace activities:
Organisation administrators and Data coordinators can view the data activities of all their organisations users in the Activity tab.
Individual users will only be able to view their own activities or activities that they are contributors to.
Start typing the name into the search field, click to select the user, then select Add.
The Users screen gives Organisation administrators visibility of all users associated with the organisation. Organisation administrators can also assign/remove key Dataplace roles in this screen.
While the ability to create a user profile in Dataplace is permitted, it is best practice to allow the system to create the user profile automatically the first time a user signs-into Dataplace and then manually assign the key role(s) if required.
o alphabet A-Z or Z-A
o last logon date: newest to oldest or oldest to newest
The Terms of Use screen displays who accepted the Terms of use for your organisation and the date.
The Data assets screens permit Organisation administrator to view, upload, modify and delete data asset records in the Australian Government Data Catalogue for your organisation.
For further information on the Australian Government Data Catalogue go to Managing records in the AGDC.
The My profile screen is visible to and certain fields are editable by the profile owner.
To access your personal profile, you will need to be signed in. From the Dataplace homepage:
Your First name, Last name and email fields are pre-populated by the authentication service used by your agency and are not editable. If details are incorrect, please contact your organisations support area, as these details are populated from information provided by your organisation.
You can add your Preferred name, Phone number and Position title details. These are optional fields. If updating these details, remember to Save.
Organisation administrators can ensure that projects in progress maintain continuity if a key user named in the data request or agreement needs to change.
For example: